Monday 18 May 2009

18 May 2009

It was a sunny, but windy day with not many swifts flying about. Tonight the wind was much less and the sky filled up with our little friends.
Because I have to make a short film for a course I take and I still have almost nothing I cycled to LP’s house with the hope to film a swift flying into a nestbox. I saw several swifts fly into his nestboxes, but I didn’t get to film even one, I’m just too slow.
Rainclouds started filling the sky and I wanted to look at my nestboxes, so at 8:30pm I was standing outside my house.
Between 8:30 and 8:40 I actually had a screaming party of 4 fly up to nestbox 1 and one hung onto it.
Then much earlier as usual, 8:50,two swifts came flying in. One flew into nb3 with the other one following that close they both couldn’t get into the nestbox. The second one flew off. I don’t understand why this happens almost every time. One flies in and the other one when it can’t get in simultaneosly, it flies off! It doesn’t enter….. not while I’m watching anyway. It should fly one circle and enter after the first one.
Then it started raining.

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