Monday, 8 June 2009

Another egg on the sidewalk - 8 June 2009

Another egg fell from the sky!
So I don’t have to stand on the street so often to watch the nestboxes, I installed a place for me to sit in front of a window on the first floor. My house has apart from the floor level to the street – first floor or ground floor – another two storeys. The top storey are rooms rented out to students so I don’t have access to the floor just below the nests. To be honest it is in this part of the swift season, extremely irritating not to have access to those rooms. When I watch the nests from the street it is cold some days, like last week and I can’t hear the sounds from the nestboxes. It will be too expensive to install those boxes with webcameras, not because of the price of the webcams, but because it’s very difficult to reach them.
There is enough activity at the nestboxes. I am sure I will sooner or later have breeding swifts and I hoped for this year, until I realised that only one swift came back. Since then I have seen it often trying to lure another swift into the nestbox and it must have happened.
Then on 30th May I found a egg on the sidewalk under the nests. There was a rounded part of it still intact and I took it to LP to show it to him, maybe he will know if it is a swift’s egg. It was!
Today 8th June I found another egg on the street, almost next to the first one.


  1. I like your blog.I'm waiting for your new posts.

  2. Thanks, there was not much to write about the past week.
